This is MY Before.

Hello Universe.

My name is Dominika, most people call me just Domi though. I'm 26 and I live in Warsaw, Poland.

Recently (like literally three days ago) I got dumped by a guy whom I've dated for almost a year, whom I truely loved and who has just a week ago claimed to love me back. I was devastated, I have spent the past two days mourning this relationship, crying my eyes out and drinking Martini with 7UP like crazy.

We have planned our future together, just a few days ago we were talking about how we were going to go on vacation soon and spend all this time together. This fucking liar. On Friday, the 30th of November, he has announced that he didn't feel the spark anymore and that his feelings weren't real and/or genuine.

The rest of the day was lost in tears and sappy broken-heared playlists on Spotify. The next day got a bit better, my best friend came to cheer me up and she has made me realized, that the break-up wasn't really my fault. I was the genuine one, he was the lying piece of shit.

Today I decided, that really I can do two things - I can stay sad, crying my eyes out like a loser, or I can get busy and do something for myself. This blog is my way of choosing the second option. Sure I can't make someone love me if they don't. I can't force the feelings on someone, I can however make myself feel less miserable. I can make myself feel better. Be better.

I have decided to do just that. To finally take care of myself. To lose weight, become healthier, become more independent and capable. Become stronger and stop being so pathetically weak, both physically and mentally.

I have given myself three days to mourn the big, fat lie, that my relationship was. And now I can stop. I can keep busy and not think about that.

So this, this thing right here, is my last "before" from the before and after pictures. Righr now, I'm moving on to the greater things. I'm going to try to become a better version of myself.

And you, whomever you are, are going to become the witness.
Enjoy my misery journey.


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